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Bleed Like Me

Song is Bleed Like Me, which I can’t stick into this post directly because I’m a bankrupt hobo who didn’t pay for the space upgrade

Why Is Kanaya here, she isn't even relevant, idk

Dirk isn't a suit kind of guy but damn if he would't look good in one

I could just keep drawing Trickster Dirk forever, look at him, look at the *soda can* in his *hair*

Paraphrased from the original song but w/e

heart symbol instead of hat symbol because it seemed appropriate

I haven't decided which kid is Speedie

There was supposed to be Jack representing the devil in this one, what happened


I love these kids so much but for some reason it's fun to draw them dead

clearly this is the panel I put the most effort into, 5 stars

actually this might be the panel I put the most effort into, it's certainly the most complex

my favourite panel maybe? idk I'm still in love with grimdark rose and suicide dave

I don't know why she's smiling

Dave's neck is slit because he died that way once (but dave has died so many times I would probably have to just scribble red all over the place if I wanted to be accurate)

still don't know why she's smiling


My very first Lyricstuck! I’m so proud.

Sorry about how it only starts at the second verse, I only drew the relevant parts. So just sort of…wait out the two extra verses? Uh.

Song is paraphrased in some places for obvious reasons. Not much though, if I rewrote it excessively it would be like cheating. It would be cheating. You have no idea how much I wanted to write in “TG” instead of “JT”.

Anyway. Really pleased with how this turned out, I was basically messing around in Photoshop, having finally gained access to the latest version, and it kinda snowballed. This is…possibly the best thing I’ve painted, ever? *shrug* I’m not counting.