
My friend and I were talking about steampunk androids and a doodle got out of hand

I’m not going to lie, this is probably my favourite drawing I’ve made

20160229_221745cool beans


I’ve been getting into Studio Killers lately

god died tidy1

sand tidy

A couple of warmup doodles based on song lyrics!

lilac and poppies lilies and bluebell

Wanted to practise backs and poses!


New sidebar pic! Eugh, looks like it’s glitching pretty badly. Click on it to see it properly!

What IS Art?

I had a couple of hours to kill in the bath and decided to try and answer the unanswerable question – and found out pretty quickly why it’s considered unanswerable. Nonetheless, I came up with my own crude answer, and I’ll try to summarise the key points of my reasoning here.

Disclaimer: I have not read anything at all on the subject. This entire train of thought has probably been conceived of and subsequently debunked a thousand times before! I’m just a kid with some time to kill and a few ideas.

Read the rest of this entry

Couple of new pieces

Also here are four other things I drew, in chronological order



tablet contest thing

I entered an art contest where you had to draw one of a set of characters. I chose this melancholy gentleman – it occurs to me that this might be the highest quality I’ve ever achieved in a drawing? In any case, I do feel like I’ve improved a good deal over the past year. For comparison, here’s the glowing goop noodle I drew back in October:

no really

And lo, how far we’ve come.


purple rock   purple space

Been practising drawing gemstones…